A couple of readers recently requested information about how to help an adult with eating and drinking. One person works in a group home caring for adults with developmental disorders,…
EatSpeakThink.com Posts
I recently worked with a patient who could count to ten fairly well, but could only say a few other words. For each number, I chose up to ten similar…
Learn how to communicate better with people living with Lewy body dementia (LBD). LBD is the second most common progressive dementia, after Alzheimer’s disease. It’s very difficult to diagnose and…
I’ve rounded up my top 11 inspirational resources that have helped me improve some aspect of my life. I’ve read and recommend all seven of the books listed below, most…
Professors McKay Moore Sohlberg and Lyn S. Turkstra share six questions to help us plan cognitive therapy, one for each of the familiar sequence of WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY,…
A home health SLP interview should be a two-way process. Just as your potential employer is interviewing you, you should interview them to determine if their company would be a…
Although we can’t predict who will or will not get sick, we do know that there are a number of factors that increase the risk of developing an aspiration pneumonia.…
One of the most common questions I get is “How do I improve my short term memory?” By “short term memory”, they mean remembering things over the course of a…
“I talk fine. I don’t need a speech-language pathologist.” I occasionally hear something like this when I talk to a new patient. Since I didn’t know that SLPs did anything…