Category: <span>Speak (communication)</span>

We can find many online resources for free low-tech AAC materials for adults. There are a wide variety of pre-made communication boards in English and many other languages. In addition,…

Speak (communication)

Speak (communication)

Articulation therapy for dysarthria focuses on improving the speech mechanism itself. We can administer articulation therapy alongside teaching compensatory speaking strategies, AAC, partner strategies, and modifying the environment. Wonder why…

Speak (communication)

Dynamic speech assessment can be a quick way to gain a lot of helpful information during an evaluation. Free DIRECT download: Tips for dynamic speech assessment (cheat sheet). (Email subscribers get…

Speak (communication)

Eat (swallowing) Speak (communication)

Speak (communication)

Eat, Speak, & Think has just reached its one-year anniversary. To celebrate, I’m announcing the Free Subscription Library, which is a password-protected bonus to subscribers of my newsletter. What is…

Being an SLP Eat (swallowing) Speak (communication) Think (cognition)

Here you’ll find a description of some of the best resources for AT and AAC research online. As healthcare providers, we often work with people who could benefit from assistive…

Speak (communication)

Speak (communication)

I’ve found some great free multimedia resources for language and cognitive therapy. As speech-language pathologists (SLPs), we are very comfortable using print in therapy. But since we’re surrounded by audio…

Speak (communication) Think (cognition)