Memory problems can arise from many causes. We might be able to change some factors, like getting better sleep, exercise, or nutrition. But other causes might not have a “cure,”…
Category: <span>Think (cognition)</span>
If you’re like many of my patients (and myself, on occasion), you probably have walked into a room and promptly forgot why you were there. It’s actually a pretty common…
Speech-language pathologists often work with adults who can read paragraphs, but who have trouble fully processing or recalling the information. Our patients may complain that they quickly forget what they’ve…
Researchers have published a wide number of free cognitive tests, screeners, and questionnaires. Several years ago, I published a list of 18 free cognitive tools. The list has widely grown,…
Have you ever forgotten why you walked into a room? That was a failure in prospective memory. Prospective memory is remembering to do what you intended to do. Lapses in…
Chronic fatigue is a condition that can occur with a number of medical conditions, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and long COVID. Learn how the…
Post-COVID cognitive dysfunction can be debilitating. While we’re still in the early years of treating long COVID, we do have guidance for best practice. For the most part, this information…
Cognitive impairment is one of the most frequently reported symptoms of long COVID. Learn how to use evidence-based methods to assess cognitive impairment in patients who are living with long…
Here are five things you may not think of before neck surgery, from the perspective of a speech-language pathologist who is undergoing neck surgery. Free DIRECT download: Resources for neck surgery…
Using a memory notebook is an evidence-based external memory strategy for people who have acquired brain injury. (A memory notebook is not to be confused with a memory book. They…