
Being an SLP

We can find many online resources for free low-tech AAC materials for adults. There are a wide variety of pre-made communication boards in English and many other languages. In addition,…

Speak (communication)

Speak (communication)

Articulation therapy for dysarthria focuses on improving the speech mechanism itself. We can administer articulation therapy alongside teaching compensatory speaking strategies, AAC, partner strategies, and modifying the environment. Wonder why…

Speak (communication)

Dynamic speech assessment can be a quick way to gain a lot of helpful information during an evaluation. Free DIRECT download: Tips for dynamic speech assessment (cheat sheet). (Email subscribers get…

Speak (communication)

I’m sharing 10 practical cognitive therapy activities that I’ve done with my patients recently, with suggested SMART goals. Details have been changed to protect privacy. Free DIRECT download: 17 SMART…

Think (cognition)

Think (cognition)

Many companies offer sales and deals during November, in conjunction with the ASHA Annual Convention. Since I’m not going to the Convention this year, I decided to find deals that…

Being an SLP

I “met” the Nice Speech Lady last year on Facebook and frequently recommend her Cognitive Linguistic Home Programs. You’ll find 50 activity ideas for each of three levels: simple procedural,…

Personal stories

Being an SLP