If you’re like many of my patients (and myself, on occasion), you probably have walked into a room and promptly forgot why you were there. It’s actually a pretty common…
EatSpeakThink.com Posts
Speech-language pathologists often work with adults who can read paragraphs, but who have trouble fully processing or recalling the information. Our patients may complain that they quickly forget what they’ve…
If you’re a speech-language pathologist (SLP) working with adult patients, you’ve likely encountered people who you weren’t sure how to help. Maybe they just wanted “to get better” but couldn’t…
Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) and Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech (PPAOS) are relatively rare conditions, but these are diagnoses that SLPs may see from time to time on their caseload.…
One of the roles of a speech-language pathologist is to help adults regain the ability to write after some type of brain injury. This article shares the results of a…
I recently worked with two patients with severe acquired apraxia of speech (AOS) just as I was really beginning to understand the difference between activity and participation goals. I used…
Curious about the real challenges and rewards of home health speech therapy (HH ST)? I surveyed both HH SLPs and those who’ve never set foot in a patient’s home to…
These three home health SLP survey results may surprise you! I’ve seen in online forums that some clinicians love home health, while others face a lot of challenges, so I…
You may be surprised to learn that there are a number of problems with SMART goals! Learn how Goal Attainment Scaling makes SMART goals better. You’ll see the common GAS…