Announcing the Free Subscription Library

Eat, Speak, & Think has just reached its one-year anniversary. To celebrate, I’m announcing the Free Subscription Library, which is a password-protected bonus to subscribers of my newsletter.


What is the Free Subscription Library?

The Free Subscription Library is a “thank-you” to subscribers of my email newsletter. You’ll find direct links to all of the free downloads I’ve created on one convenient page.

As of 7/1/19, the library contains 30 downloads plus a handful of related downloads from other sources.

The downloads are organized under the main categories of “Eat”, “Speak”, “Think”, and “Being an SLP.” According to reader feedback, many of the tips for SLPs apply to OTs, PTs, and nurses as well.

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How do I access the library?

If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll have received the password via the email I sent on 7/1/19. New subscribers will receive the password via the welcome email when they sign up.

If you can’t find my email, search your inbox, spam folder, or Gmail Promotions Tab for “Eat, Speak, & Think.” Be sure to whitelist Eat, Speak, & Think so that you won’t miss future emails.

Still can’t find it? Contact me using the email address you signed up with, and I’ll send it to you.

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What is the newsletter, anyway?

The newsletter is my favorite part of Eat, Speak, & Think. Not only do I share my newest post and any new free downloads, I also share interesting things I’ve learned since the previous newsletter.

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Read previous newsletters

If you want to see what the newsletter is like, you can find the 20 most recent newsletters in the archives.

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A few of my favorites from “Noteworthy on the ‘Net”

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Some of my favorite tools for creators

I’ve wanted to start my own website for years, tried it, and failed because it was too overwhelming. I just wanted to do too much all at once.

Last year, I stumbled across Darren Rowse (ProBlogger) and suddenly had all the support, inspiration, and encouragement I needed.

If you want to create anything – a blog, website, newsletter, podcast, materials for sale, etc… – I hope you’ll find help from some of my favorite resources:

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Join 600+ people by signing up for the newsletter!

I’m so excited that the newsletter is rapidly approaching 650 subscribers with a nearly 50% open rate, which is amazing! I take it to mean that I’m sharing some interesting or useful information!

That’s really my goal. I want to do what I can to help adults who are living with problems swallowing, communicating, or thinking. And when I find something that helps, I want to share that with everyone who wants to listen.

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What about new free downloads going forward?

I’ll update the Free Subscription Library with the new free download at the same time as I publish each new article (if not sooner).

So when you see a new article with a new download, simply go to the Free Subscription Library page and enter your password to access it. Depending on your computer or phone settings, you may not have to enter the password after the first time.

I plan on changing the password on a yearly basis, so keep an eye on your email come December/January.

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Can I still get the downloads if I don’t sign up for the newsletter?

Yes, you can still access the downloads from each individual article by clicking the link and filling out the newsletter sign-up form.

You’re not added to the email list at this point, but you do get immediate access to the free download.

You’re only added to the email list if you opt-in a second time by clicking on the link in the follow-up email.

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I have questions, suggestions, tips, and tricks.

Please share any feedback you have. I love hearing from you, whether you subscribe to the email or not.

I know I don’t know everything, and I make mistakes. And I’m always on the look-out for new ideas to improve my own practice and my website!

So feel free to comment below, contact me, or respond to any of my emails.

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Featured image by David Clarke on Unsplash.

Photo of Lisa Young
Website |  + posts

Lisa earned her M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Maryland, College Park and her M.A. in Linguistics from the University of California, San Diego.

She participated in research studies with the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) and the University of Maryland in the areas of aphasia, Parkinson’s Disease, epilepsy, and fluency disorders.

Lisa has been working as a medical speech-language pathologist since 2008. She has a strong passion for evidence-based assessment and therapy, having earned five ASHA Awards for Professional Participation in Continuing Education.

She launched in June 2018 to help other clinicians be more successful working in home health, as well as to provide strategies and resources to people living with problems eating, speaking, or thinking.

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